Full project title
STEAMER: Escape rooms adapted for school education on STEAM

Project Acronym:

Reference No:

SCS LogoPsyCom

Country of coordinator


Project duration
2019-11-01 - 2022-03-31

Project website

Social media

Project description

The PISA results of 2015 showed that more than one out of the youngsters in Europe were not equipped with that basic skill necessary for numerous valuable jobs in our current economy. It was therefore deemed essential to work on improving the level of EU pupils in STEAM.
The consortium members believed it was essential to encourage student engagement and motivation by offering innovative ways of learning. The concept of educative escape rooms/games could play a very positive role on improving education in general and the learning of STEAM in particular

That’s why STEAMER was designed. The main objective of this European project was to create a methodology, tools and practical examples of escape rooms adapted for secondary school education on STEAM.

The specific objectives included:

  • equipping teachers and educators of secondary education with tools that provide them access to a new range of possibilities to teach STEAM related subjects and potentially others.
  • Integrating inclusive elements for disadvantaged learners, especially the ones with Specific Learning Disorders (for instance dyslexia or dyscalculia).
  • raising awareness on the development of STEAM as a key factor in the creation of Europe as a culture and bring more attention to positive scientific figures.

The following Results were developed:

  • Pedagogical Guide
  • ER Creation Guide
  • E-learning Module
  • Scenarios and Lessons Packages
  • Steamer Generator
  • Implementation Guide